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Showing posts from 2012

A Moment Lingers

A moment lingers on Making you want To stay in it forever For it is then that it dawns On your mind The beauty and joy Of a profound gift called Life Giving you everything in that single moment All that you could have ever asked for

When You Were Gone....

One fine day When you were gone Gone forever Even before I could realize I had lost All that I ever had Something so valuable And precious That would never ever Come back to me No matter how hard I tried Or turned the world upside down I cried, I wept, I cursed Myself to all the misery Till I hit the rock bottom As the world laughed at me Blaming me, doubting me And tore me apart Breaking me into pieces For losing something so precious I could not have agreed more Till the time I stood up against the odds And counted myself to back me up And stand by my side as well From thereon it was only me And me Who had to carve out a way Against all odds Starting from scratch I built piece by piece Inch by inch Putting up the best That I could ever have Creating a whole new world That spread joy Brought cheers to those around Yet deep within nursed a void and a wound That mirrored frail side of The strength I displayed For it was always about you And on

Let The Mind Play

Sometimes you just sit down...fiddling around ...letting your mind play....letting it just let the mind do what it wants to........then at the end of it you find it has taken where you always wanted to what you always wanted sit back and just let the mind play...

Random Thoughts...

When was the last time you questioned yourself about what you are doing? Is this what you always wanted to do? Is this what you want to do tomorrow and the day after too? If yes, great and if not ...time to wake up. ........... When you don't enjoy what you are doing...the mind finds all the excuses in the world to stop you from doing what you should be just enjoy..and you will you will find all the excuses in the world to achieve what you want to achieve. ........... Life becomes really tough when there's just one way out and all you can do is to wait for that moment to come by. ........... Nothing ever goes in vain...nothing...look at this way you have learnt a very valuable lesson from life...that despite all the efforts you take you may not get the desired results or they may get delayed, worse you even have to suffer for such case you have two give up..that's the easy way and the second one is to bou

The Youth Mass

Yesterday we celebrated a mass for the youth group of our parish. Participation was voluntary. Going by the notion that our youth are famous to give cold shoulder to prayers or a mass given a chance, I was not expecting much participation. And to my pleasant surprise the group members did turn up for the mass in significant numbers and also enjoyed the experience. Happy to be proven wrong and hope that the youth continue to be part of such experiences in the near future as well. 

A Thought to Ponder

"Your strength is your weakness and your weakness is your strength."   I am saying nothing else. Nor more nor less. Sit back and reflect. Let the thought reveal its true meaning and essence as a outcome of your reflection and contemplation. All the best.

Starting Again

There comes a time when you have to move away from all the hard work you have done and given your best shot and start afresh, all over again......nothing you have achieved so far matters..the only thing that does matter is your belief in yourself to create, build and grow all over again starting from scratch.


There's a place Where I always like to be No matter where I am No matter how I am  No matter what time No matter I am all by myself Or with my near and dear ones No matter how happy or sad I am For the place holds a treasure trove My life most precious possessions Telling me time and again How blessed I am with All those golden moments cherished every bit Called Memories That make life more meaningful Each time I visit them

The Creators of Tomorrow

The creator of tomorrow is any person who teaches, imparts, creates, disseminates, shares knowledge leading to creation of new capabilities and capacities. A tomorrow that would make the world a better place to be in. I would like to call this person "Teacher". And the teacher is not limited to the academics, he / she is all encompassing. For it is the teacher who creates a tomorrow and sows the seeds of building new capabilities and capacities. Organizations for me are ones that strengthen, nurture and grow the tomorrow. They sharpen and add finesse to the people moulded and shaped that way by the creators of tomorrow. Hence it is of utmost importance that any person who falls within the all encompassing creator of knowledge definition realizes his worth and the responsibility that rests on their shoulders. These people are not just sowing the seeds of knowledge but get an first hand opportunity to make learning an integral part of life and influence things to come. Th

Anna is Back

Anna and his team are back after a hiatus. Some would have expected them to do their homework at least this time round and come out with a proper road map. But alas... going by the tirade there hardly appears to be any other than publicizing the event. Allegations. Just allegations and former bureaucrat, a former IPS, a former Supreme Court Judge and even a Law Minister want FIR to be filed against a set of ministers based on allegations. That's really something. Going by the same principles if I have any allegations against any of the Team Anna member and FIR should be registered against them as well. I am damn sure however these so called civil society members would not apply these same measures to themselves. True, there are a lot of corrupt ministers who have been elected to Parliament. But who elected them? The people. The people who voted and the people who did not vote. Why is Team Anna refraining from supporting the election reforms the Election Commission is trying t

On Friendship

Friendship is not something that is here today, gone tomorrow. The very fact that we fight with our friends, get angry with them, try and ignore them, curse them, want them out of our life and say it’s time to move itself is a testimony to the fact how much we love them. For if we can't love each other we can't really hate either. In such cases it's just that we have failed ourselves as friends not friendship it does not fail, it's still there very much intact waiting for us to catch up. And when we do the joy has no boundaries. So give friendship chance and be the best of friends forever.

Together We Rise

A candle Burning bright Is just a Small light On a street when dark Then come Let's set the path ablaze For it's Together we rise A person Ranging a lone battle Is just a glimmer Of hope In the fight for just Then come Let's start a movement For it's Together we rise A drop of water Is nothing much In it self But becomes A creator (and destroyer) Of life Then come Let's create life For it's Together we rise