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Showing posts from June, 2012

The Youth Mass

Yesterday we celebrated a mass for the youth group of our parish. Participation was voluntary. Going by the notion that our youth are famous to give cold shoulder to prayers or a mass given a chance, I was not expecting much participation. And to my pleasant surprise the group members did turn up for the mass in significant numbers and also enjoyed the experience. Happy to be proven wrong and hope that the youth continue to be part of such experiences in the near future as well. 

A Thought to Ponder

"Your strength is your weakness and your weakness is your strength."   I am saying nothing else. Nor more nor less. Sit back and reflect. Let the thought reveal its true meaning and essence as a outcome of your reflection and contemplation. All the best.

Starting Again

There comes a time when you have to move away from all the hard work you have done and given your best shot and start afresh, all over again......nothing you have achieved so far matters..the only thing that does matter is your belief in yourself to create, build and grow all over again starting from scratch.


There's a place Where I always like to be No matter where I am No matter how I am  No matter what time No matter I am all by myself Or with my near and dear ones No matter how happy or sad I am For the place holds a treasure trove My life most precious possessions Telling me time and again How blessed I am with All those golden moments cherished every bit Called Memories That make life more meaningful Each time I visit them