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Showing posts from October, 2014

Faceless in the Crowd

In crowd We always search For faces That are familiar That know us That relate to us For it is these faces That comfort us Give us our identity A sense of being In an otherwise Faceless crowd


There are times When silence has the loudest voice Unnerving, unsettling Disruptive and threatening Capable of wreaking a havoc That tears you apart Bringing alive your deep dark secrets Hidden in the closet of the mind Unbeknownst to others Manifesting itself in the form of Discrimination, suppression, regression Erupting into sudden outbursts of violence Leaving you to pick up pieces Of  an aftermath 

My Words

My words Are they a reflection of me, Of what I have done, Or ever wanted to do, Do they touch the chord And stir emotions meant to Creating meaning Strengthening bonds Building bridges Closing gaps Expressing love, expressing joy Or Do they push people Further apart Destroying bridges Weakening bonds Loosing the meaning Revoking the emotions Or Are they just words Meant to be......
I was never the one for you Neither were you for me Yet for some reasons strange Unbeknownst Our ways crossed On destiny's path Seeming one Soon enough for us to part Making me wonder Why did it all start?

Touch of Love

A touch of love Was finally felt When unknowingly your hand Reached out to mine (Holding it softly) And deep within my heart I knew, I had all That I could have asked for
There are rules for everything Everything you can possibly think of Written, documented and circulated as well Read out and notified to all (Mis)Understood and signed by all as well Stacked up in piles of files That anyone has bothered To revisit, revise Other than religiously follow Crippling and clipping off the wings of trust, faith and empathy Filling the air with apathy Telling you You are not what you are And what you do is not done For its not what has been written Neither meets the elaborate stipulated rules and regulations Expressed in the domains of rigid bureaucracy