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Showing posts from March, 2015

For India's Daughter

You have only excuses And reasons to give For the ills As the outcomes of your actions That have caused more harm Than good, and  Deprived, oppressed, repressed For no fault of theirs Pushing them to the brink of death And leaving them at its mercy As an act of justice Which you use as a cover Of righteousness No matter how big or small you are No matter how rich or poor you are My thoughts after watching India's Daughter... seeing the convict and his defence trying to justify the gory act...still fail to understand why the government wants to ban long are we going to continuing to live in self denial.

Why Using Your Debit Card or Credit Card Makes Sense

Today I received the following message. One of the countless forward messages which do rounds across various messaging apps but definitely worth taking note of. The message is as follows S uppose 500 people visit bigbazaar daily. No one collects change. 500×1= rs500. For 365 days, 500×36 5 = rs 1,82,500 This is from ONE bigbazaar MARKET. There are 1500 bigbazaar markets in the country. rs 1,82,500×1500 = rs 273,750,000 27 crore per year.  & the worst part about this is, IT'S NOT EVEN TAXABLE because the bill doesn't count the one rupee, remember? Now you know why they always put price tags like 49/- 99/- 999/- only? Anyone who has ever been to any supermarket (or even shops for that matter) will easily relate to the scenario illustrated. It's a very common thing. At times the shopkeeper or the person at counter hands over a sweet supposedly worth the value of the balance exchange amount. Surprisingly though you as the customer cannot reverse the favour i.e.


Then... It was the best thing to do This was the only way one could think of We were in a comfortable position There was only pain going forward We were happy with the things were Everything seemed obvious Looking beyond was out of question Now.. It's no longer the best thing to do There exist a lot many ways of doing things We are no longer in a comfortable position There is pain but there are also gains We are no longer happy with the way things are Nothing seems obvious Learning to look beyond is the only way forward Then is an excuse that blocks learning and growth. Then is a situation you want to believe will continue. It dwells in the world you think exists with chance of you living in self denial. It lies a notch below now.  Now on the other hand is the threshold of realization, an awakening to the reality that exists and the potential that lies ahead. It's a call to action and execution once the realization has dawned. It is fina