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Showing posts from August, 2017

You Are Not The Only One

You just stumbled upon a brilliant idea. You have to come to believe its a gem of an idea. You have a strong intuition its going to be game changer. You want to turn it into an enterprise. You are excited, since your long cherished entrepreneurial dream is now sure to see daylight. You start putting things in place in run up to your dream venture. You are fiercely protective of your idea and taking every precaution to not let it out. Somehow you believe, you are the only one ever to think about it and if you do share it with someone else, chances are - they may rob you of the idea. So you are not willing to let your guard down. And therefore are reluctant to share, discuss and deliberate the idea with anyone else. At times, even with some who might help you shape and execute the idea. The anxiety and the insecurity of loosing your baby (that too even before its been thoroughly conceived) holds you back. If this is what you have experienced and this what you still believe. Let m