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Showing posts from October, 2017


There are stories That need to be told Not because they are about Courage and valor Nor cause they speak of Heroic deeds But because they speak of Grit and determination Of lesser known people Near and around us Who turned a life less ordinary Into a extraordinary tale of If I did it, you can do it too

A Journey of Legends

Everything seems to be going perfectly fine. Everything you touch turns gold. Your commitment and dedication is taking you places. You are setting new benchmarks, winning accolades. There is nothing that seems will ever go wrong. Why would it? When you seem to be striking gold. It seems magical. Until...... Until nothing you do seems to be working fine. Your ability to strike gold suddenly seems to be fading. The magical touch seems a distant past. Though your commitment and dedication remains the same, nothing seems to be going your way. People start wondering if you were just a flash in the pan. What transcends thereafter is stuff legends are made of. It's not a easy journey back. That journey needs you to redefine your purpose. It needs you to claw your way back on a path that you have never treaded before. Give up on everything that made you and start anew. This time it's tough, for the baggage of the past weighs heavily on you however much you want to shu


Blinded to the world Running amok All over me I lay trapped In a heap of bodies Struggling for breath In the clutches of death Gripped by the fears Of life's worst nightmare All coming true In what seemed like eternity  Yet holding on to the same hope of life I was trampled for