It's interesting to note that whatever I write ...appears to be 100% accurate. I hardly miss a single word, even when its actually not there. I read and re-read and find it to be perfectly all right. Then I go ahead and click on the publish post. And I feely happy about what I just published. Great.
A few days later when I return to the post and read it again (which I rarely do) I find all the missing words really missing and amused by the fact, how could have I? But then that's the way of life or rather the way my writing as evolved. Today, at times, I really do make a conscious efforts to check out the missing words or even to check out if I put my thoughts correctly. This has helped me reduce the number of mistakes.
But, what I realised today is a strange similarity with life. Many a times we (you would agree, its we and not just me alone, if not read I) are so overwhelmed by certain things and our desire to possess them that we rarely do notice the flaws surrounding it. We just want it without ever realising if its really worth it or not.
Then when the years have passed and we sit back and look at life we find nothing else but the missing pieces. I have this all along but it took my writing to make me realise this. Hopefully, I don't intend to find any missing pieces when I look back at life nor in my writings. And its the same I wish for you as well.
A few days later when I return to the post and read it again (which I rarely do) I find all the missing words really missing and amused by the fact, how could have I? But then that's the way of life or rather the way my writing as evolved. Today, at times, I really do make a conscious efforts to check out the missing words or even to check out if I put my thoughts correctly. This has helped me reduce the number of mistakes.
But, what I realised today is a strange similarity with life. Many a times we (you would agree, its we and not just me alone, if not read I) are so overwhelmed by certain things and our desire to possess them that we rarely do notice the flaws surrounding it. We just want it without ever realising if its really worth it or not.
Then when the years have passed and we sit back and look at life we find nothing else but the missing pieces. I have this all along but it took my writing to make me realise this. Hopefully, I don't intend to find any missing pieces when I look back at life nor in my writings. And its the same I wish for you as well.
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