I made so many friends,
Some became dearest,
Some became special,
Fell in love with someone,
Some went abroad,
Some changed their cities,
Some left us,
I left some,
Some are still in contact,
Some are not in contact,
Some don't contact because of their ego,
I don't contact some because of my ego,
However they were,
However I was..
I still remember, love, miss and care for them because of the part they played, made "MEMORIES" in my life...
To let my old friends know that they have not been forgotten, and to tell the new one that I will never forget them
What a beautiful SMS to wake up to. Thanks to my friend Tushar for sharing such a beautiful SMS. And whoever has written these lines must have really experienced the true essence of friendship. The very fact that them I could relate to them as my own thoughts makes it even more special. Worthy enough to be shared, shared with everyone who has made the "Memories" in my life, your life, our life. For Friendship
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