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Showing posts from September, 2011

Prelude - Thirty Days In October And The Day After

Should I....should I not? That is the question. Since last seven years, every year, I have attempted to write something or other under the title "Thirty Days In October And The Day After". I have succeeded only once. That was the first time I attempted it. All subsequent attempts never reached completion. So that's where I start of with this time too. Should I ...should I not? But this time round I am inspired and motivated by the successful accomplishment of doing something new for the next thirty days. So I have every reason to believe this time it will be different. Over all the years through "Thirty Days In October And The Day After", I have attempted to get a glimpse of my thought, reflections and self with each passing day the date of my birth nears.  So ...I take this opportunity to wish myself all the best!!  Let the count down begin.....

Next Blog

Like the next blog link on blogspot. Though it's occasionally that I do click on the link but on quite a few occasions I have ended up reading some really good blogs and thoughts. Unfortunately, I have never saved those links. Perhaps, I should have. But why bother and be stuck a few when you can pursue the blogs randomly and savour the various flavours of life that keep popping out of these blogs. So just sit back and enjoy. And if you do happen to read this blog do remember to check out the next blog link. Who knows you might find something really worthy. Cheers!!

Capturing My Thoughts

Mind is such a wonderful thing. For it never ceases throw up some wonderful and beautiful things one can think of. But its pretty unfortunate that not everything that the mind conceives or creates gets captured. Yes, whether you like it or not its true.  I mean think of all those thoughts and reflections that go on in your mind when you are driving, walking or travelling. At times they throw up some amazing insights about ourself, our relations or even work. And one tends to feel blessed to be gifted with such wonderful insights...but alas they do get lost in transit. For they never quite reach a piece of paper. Not everyone is gifted enough to get it on paper though (that's a different story). But what they do is become an unconscious and integral part of our thought process popping up when we need to understand them the most or learn new meaning from life. It's then those simple thoughts and reflections become the most valuable gifts one could ever have. For it is then

The Way Forward

The way forward is full of challenges. But then what is a life without challenges. You walk, you run You stumble, you fumble And may even fall down with thud But therein lies the challenge For life does not tell us stories of people Who fell down never rise to again For they are far too many But it surely does tells us tales Again and again Of  those handful few Who fell time and again Only to rise against and above all odds Setting the bar higher and higher Inspiring others to follow And giving them a belief That they too can achieve great heights If they will to pursue The way forward that is full of challenges For what is a life without challenges


Well all started with a dream of an dream..hmm..both. That's better. When the first time they (the youth group members) proposed it. I said Vow what a thought. But I blasted them too. Not because I did not like the idea or the dream of our own Youth Festival but because the idea was the put up before the group in a way that it should not have been. Had it been somebody else they would have been disheartened. Not our boys (and girls too). They sold the idea of what started with a few to the full group.  That was about three weeks ago. Over the past three weeks they have managed to do their bit and move ahead on making the dream into a reality. That takes some guts. Especially when you have not done anything on scale that you are aiming at. True they have experience of successfully organizing programs before hand too. But what they are trying attempt is to get a few thousand youths to a part of this festival over period of three days. Now that is so

I am a Teacher

I was born the first moment that a question leaped from the mouth of a child. I have been many people in many places. I am Socrates exciting the youth of Athens to discover new ideas through the use of questions. I am Aesop and Hans Christian Andersen revealing truth through countless stories. I am Marva Collins fighting for every child’s right to an education. I am Mary McCleod Bethune building a great college for my people, using orange crates for desks. And I am Bel Kaufman struggling to go  Up The Down Staircase. The names of those who have practiced my profession ring like a hall of fame for humanity... Booker T Washington, Buddha, Confucius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Leo Buscaglia, Moses and Jesus. I am also those whose names and faces have long been forgotten but whose lessons and character will always be remembered in the accomplishments of their students. I have wept for joy at the weddings of former students, laughed with glee at the birth of their childr

Happy Teachers Day

To all my teachers, within and outside school and college, I am grateful to you all for helping me learning life's precious meaning. Today I would like to thank God for blessing with some of the finest teachers I could have ever asked for. Finest because their way of teaching or helping me learn was not limited to the books or subject they taught, it well exceeded that. Those were lessons for life. For today as I sit and look back I see glimpses of them in the way I have shaped up. They made learning a experience to remember, an experience which I still long for. For they were always passionate about what they taught. Today I look to bring the same passion in everything I do and if I do succeed even a fraction in my attempt it will be only because of them. And that will be my biggest tribute to them. Thanks for being my teacher and showing me the way. The Heart of  a Teacher is truly A Treasury of Inspiration....and I could not have better video to say what I want.