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An Artist's Muse.....

My eyes see
What's there for everyone to see
And capture it in their hearts
But unfortunately 
Not everyone does see
For they are so caught in their
Routine rituals of life
That they hardly
"Live Life" the way it is meant to be
What they usually do though is "Leave Life"
Unaware of the enchanting beauty
That life has bestowed upon them
And when they do happen to see
It is bound in frames hung up on the wall
Painted and captured by me
Which pale in comparison to the
Originals that are put live on display
They appreciate what they see
And say he has got an eye for details
Without realizing such a creation
Is there for everyone too see
But somehow I just happened to be
Amongst the fortunate few see and capture
Shades that paint the sky
The beauty of sunrise
The glow of the dew
The blossoming of the flower
The bullock cart against the setting sun


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