"To be or not be that is the question" which Shakespeare's Hamlet posed. A dilemma, a crossroad which would go on decide the fate of things to come. Rare are the instances when one takes a decision without facing a dilemma or a conflict. Rare are the times when one has no choices to make. In fact in the world of abundance there may be a negligible chance, if any, of not being at crossroads. Take a look at all the possibilities, opportunities, choices et al. life throws at you and you will realize there is hardly any escaping it. The dilemmas, the conflicts, the crossroads one faces when making decision or a choice is definitely going to impact the way of the things to come. Good or bad, time alone will tell. However, its also evident from the discoveries, inventions that have been made, one had to cross over to something that's new, untried and untested. This at the cost of being laughed at, termed insane or ridiculed. More importantly, at times, never q...