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Showing posts from September, 2014

Realities of the World

Truth is What they don't like To hear in the world That's cut off from realities Where lies thrive And manipulation plays To the tunes The ears like to hear Searching for solace and solitude In the confines of mind That is however Bound to realities of the world

Perils of a Self Righteous Mind

It sees things and even people Black and white Hardly any shades of grey As its opinion of people sways Believing only in what it sees and does As right Try however you may With all your might The belittling and demeaning Which they cast Day and night, fight Such are the perils of of self righteous mind When and where it strays The truth is hard to find

The Corridors of Mind

Everyday life walks Into the corridors of mind Where desires of the heart thrive Into the world unexplored Striving to lead a life Far far away From the realms of reality Unknown to the world around

The Magician of Words

He has his own way with Words Simple yet spellbinding Which bring to life Tales gone dead Enchanting the listener Engaging the reader Into what otherwise would Have been inconsequential Series of words (Drawing you in with its cadence Tugging at your heart)

Waiting to Aboard..(few lessons froms Mumbai's Lifeline - the railways)

Railways - the lifeline of Mumbai everyday transports lakhs of commuters to and fro. Thousands flock to each of the enroute station for reasons that vary from just fun to work to meet their near and dear ones. One of the interesting skills people from Mumbai and its suburbs develop is their ability to board the train. Being able to board the trains that ply on these routes comes with own set of challenges. You will come across people politely requesting to get into the train, to people literally barging their way in what is an already crowded train. Seeing these people boarding the train especially at the starting point made me realize the few parallels that can be drawn with the corporate life. 1) The incoming train presents an equal opportunity those awaiting to aboard the train and seize opportunity to gain the first mover advantage . The first mover advantage in this comes here in form the fresh breezes that blows on to your face sitting next to the window in

Give Trust A Chance

Yesterday on my way back home after seeing the doctor, I stopped at a medical store to buy the prescribed drugs. Though I didn't have enough money with me, I decided to take a chance by requesting for credit if I fell short. "116 rupees, Sir".. the storekeeper said to me. I had only Rs. 70/- with me. "I will come back with the balance amount," I told him as I took the medicines and made the part payment. "Ok", he said. This was really strange to me. Strange for the following reasons 1) He didn't personally know me other than the fact I was one of the locals. We were both as good as strangers to each other. 2) He didn't even ask me for name or personal details, just in case I didn't turn up. 3) I rarely shopped for medicines at the medical store. 4) No other questions were asked or any other information was exchanged. Though I did return to pay the balance amount, what happened got me thinking. He trusted me. The rupees 4