About a year ago, the garden where I go for my daily walk was renovated and the whole layout was revamped. When reopened it became a living example of before and after. And as is the common tendency among people to resist something new, the renovated and revamped garden immediately got its fair share of detractors. Soon the beauty of the old layout became the legend and the lore. Then, it was much better. Now, the less said the better.
Fortunately or unfortunately, it was the only garden in the vicinity where people could take their daily stroll. So the people had no option, but to stop complaining and move on. As the days passed and people resumed their walks, though with discontent, the surroundings began to look familiar. What was of inconvenience became adjustable. What became adjustable brought along with a new way of looking at things, doing away with the old. Soon the familiarity became the norm. As if it had always been like this. Now was soon on its way to become the new then. And it would continue to be so....till the time they would decide to renovate and revamp it again.
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