What's the worst thing you can possibly do in your life? Make mistakes. Do something terribly wrong. Goof up something. Be where you were not meant to be. Wrong decisions that you made. The list can go on and on. You can add to it. But to me, whatever you add to the list above never will be the worst thing your life.There is always something or the other to pick up and learn from a mistake, a goof up, a wrong choice. And they are not the worst things, because you at least did something, rather than not doing anything at all. So what then is the worst thing you can do in your life? The worst thing you can do is do nothing at all. Yes, not doing anything at all is worst mistake you can make. For it is then you cede control of your life. You are no longer the master of your fate. Rather fate or somebody else dictates your life on their terms. So what is it that you are waiting for? Go ahead make a move. Do something. Even if it's tip toeing. Just do it. For t...