Your product has been envy of your competitors.....
Your customer service has been exceptional....
You have many firsts to your credit....You have been amongst the innovators....
You have been the one to make profits whilst others have been busy cutting corners....
Your technology has always been the talk of the town...
Well that's a wonderful thing to have been doing and if you have been doing one, more or all of the above (the list though indicative, is not exhaustive) you surely must be a bellwether leading way and doing all the right things.
You will definitely continue to lead the way and be a benchmark till someone better comes along. He may not be exceptional nor be amongst the firsts, but one sure to raise the bar higher, a notch better than you have been doing. Soon, you will be bound to play the catch up game.
The question you need to ask yourself (better would be answer) is - Do you wait for someone better to come along or keep raising the bar higher each time you venture out?
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