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Life Lessons From Gully Boy

Finally caught up on the movie Gully Boy and how I enjoyed watching it. The movie offers a lot of interesting life lessons to reflect and act upon. I have always believed that movies do offer great insights into life and present a different perspective which we probably miss out as we are too caught up in its daily routines. Then there comes a movie like Gully Boy with a breathe of fresh air and helps us look at life in new light. For when we watch movies we are not caught up in daily routines, but are a distant observer.
So here is rundown of few life lessons which the movie Gully Boy brings to the fore:

1. Follow your dreams.
When Murad asks Safeena what does one do, when one dreams of achieving big ambitions and she promptly tells him, follow them, reminding him after all his name is Murad, which means ambition. She also points out that one has to be fearless in order to achieve their dreams. Murad does choose to follow his dreams.

2. Believe in your self and tell your own stories.
When Murad meets MC Sher for the first time, he wants Sher to use his poems for rapping but Sher declines. He reasons if you don't want to sing your own lines why should I. You have to learn to tell your own stories, he advises Murad and encourages him not only to express himself but own his work.

3. Spotting talent is important but nurturing it is more important.
Sher quickly spots the inherent talent in Murad and takes him under his wings. He grooms and nurtures him helping him to fine tune his ability to write and perform better. 

4. Feedback matters (so do the giver and receiver).
Sher not only appreciates the fire and passion that is part of Murad's writing but also gives him important feedback so that he can improve. "Rap is nothing but poetry and rhythm, you got poetry we need to get the rhythm." Murad willingly accepts the feedback and acts on it because of the admiration he has for Sher. 

5. Never back down for we all have a lava burning within us.
When Murad chokes in a rap battle and gets disheartened, Sher tells him it is part of life and he will always come across someone better than him, but it is important not to back down. At such times, he should focus on what he has and remember we all have a lava (talent) burning within us. The best response is to let the lava explode.

6. Prepare well and know your opponents well.
Knowing that Murad has choked before in rap battle Sher tries to pep him with telling him how prepare for the same. He guides and coaches Murad about how to analyze his opponents, how to pick their weakness and not get bogged down by them. Everybody has a weakness, however good they may be. Stay calm, scan them, pick their weakness and then destroy them he tells Murad. 

7. Never forget the ones who helped you.
When Murad's friend gets arrested, Murad is willing to come forward and bail him out. He is willing to stand by his friend but his friend advises against it. He points out to he lives on the edge and the arrest was imminent, however he advises Murad to focus on the competition, highlighting it will help not only help him secure the bail but lead a better life. Murad eventually does bail out his friend and more importantly he does acknowledge the part Sher has played in shaping him up and standing by him in testing times.

8. We all have to make that decision and know what it is.
When Murad reports to work on the day of the competition his uncle tells him that he made a right choice. It is at that moment he realizes that it's not the right choice for him though and he promptly walks out. Making decision is not only about saying yes to what we want to do but it is also about saying no to what we don't want to do.

9. Self Esteem is important and so is realizing your worth.
Murad is deeply disturbed when his maternal uncle points out to him that he is son of servant  and if he intends to stay like that. That sets the turmoil rolling in Murad's mind. On his way back he reflects, on what life really means and what happens if one looses self esteem. The conflict helps him makes the decision to attend the competition for he realizes that the only way to keep his self esteem intact. 

10. Make a difference to someone
When his father questions him about quitting the job for following his passion Murad points out to him that his video has 4 lakh views and the comments below them. He quips he may not be there tomorrow but his songs will be always be there and continue to touch lives. For him that matters for he has been able to make a difference to someone and given them self belief and purpose.

Change your reality to match the dreams not the other way round  
The high point of the movie is when Murad tell his father that all his life his father has lived a lie that he cannot change his fate when could have had he tried. To which is father retorts saying he tried only to realize that the dreams have to match the reality and the dream which Murad nurtures is not in sync with his reality. Murad however sees it other way round and believe's if his reality is not matching up to his dreams then he would rather work to change the reality rather than changing his dreams. His self esteem has fueled his dream. By realizing he is worthy enough to make a difference to someone and give them belief he is all set to change his reality to match his dreams.

And last but not the least always remember, "Apna time aayega." Make sure that you are well prepared for it when it comes.


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