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Pappu Pass Ho Gaya...........(18-12-2009)

This is story of Pappu.

Pappu who one fine day realised he had to add something to his credentials in order to become something. What this ‘something’ is what Pappu has never realized till date. Nevertheless Pappu got himself enrolled in a PTMBA program. Since the department where Pappu worked for organization was referred to as HR (yehch aar…some people also joked about it being aachar)….he opted out HR. And lo behold!!! A Manager….A VP ….A CEO was born……&hel lip;.. (it’s a different story the world didn’t take note of it). But then Pappu knew that with the exception of Jesus (this too as far his knowledge was concerned) being the only person who was noticed at the time of his birth and that too by a handful of shepherds and three kings the rest others this including Bill Gates, Mahatma Gandhi, Dhirubai Ambani, Einstein, and whole lot of others (all these whole lot of others whom Pappu cannot name is for the simple reason he tells you your time would run out but its not time, its the list of names that he runs out of). Yet whatever the case may be….the point still remains even if the world didn’t know him today tomorrow it would, it surely would (yeah…he sees a lot of James bond movies).

So while in college Pappu did everything he could and every other thing which he could not. How one could do that is what only Pappu can tell.

And so after countless sessions of introducing self and enunciating the reason why he opted for this particular course, Pappu began to doubt if this was all he was going to learn anything at all.

And fortunately for him things began to improve when they started teaching. Yet by the time Pappu started understanding what they were teaching at the college he had to get busy with presentations.

Now as far as presentations were concerned Pappu ensured his group received all the moral support by his mere presence and sending various links through which he expected his team members to comprehend and compile data. In the mean time Papu didn’t forget to send a snap shot of his mailbox to prove how busy he was.

In the meantime the exams used to arrive as usual. And there is used to be a frantic activity of scouting for books/notes just couple days before when the whole world around was busy revising.

To Papu’s amusement the college could not decide whether to conduct exams at a stretch or on weekends or any other way that possible yet was not really possible. Yet Pappu, committed that he was, religiously studied collecting bits and pieces from all his classmates just hours before the exam and yet having the luxury to doze off in the college library, to have tea literally every two hours, took a break every hour and spend an hour on lunch. Of late Pappu has been quoted saying that the way Sid studied in Wake Sid! has been inspired him.

However exams came and exams went. In between Pappu made friends, celebrated birthdays, bragged with professors (ooooops…… read asked relevant questions to professors) and got paid back handsomely (that’s a better way of putting your pangs with the professors) for putting his foot in mouth.

And then in between the exams there were again lectures which by the time Pappu began to understand they got over. In the meantime when Pappu was not busy with office work and good enough to be presumed in state of constant drunkardness Pappu wrote mails to the class which set the cat out amongst the pigeons. What the analogy of cat and the pigeon have to do with writing mails is what Pappu is yet to comprehend …… but then one can excuse him given the fact that he is ardent fan of Siddhu Paaji the cricketer.

And then Pappu’s class got embroiled in controversy after controversy….atte ndance, ATKT’s, allegations, counter allegations…. So much so that each time, it pained and his heart ached at the sorry state of affairs (and however he has been happy for the reason right or wrong that he atleast has some affairs to remember even if he has never had any …..just the way they say the glass is half filled or half empty).

And while he was busy such and many more affairs his classmates got married (some to their respective life partner, some to their jobs, some to migraines, some to the college), managed their job, looked after their kids and family and did their studies as well. What Pappu did is what nobody knows….that includes him as well.

Yet however today Pappu is a happy man with tears rolling over his cheeks has he stands to accept the honours for his Convocation despite all the odds he battled against and emerged triumphant.

As his classmates rightly said…..Pappu pass ho gaya!!!


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