Kids have their own ways of eating food. One often ends up trying various tricks to get them to eat. This though is not always the case. Give them something they like and relish and you hardly need do any of the convincing bit. Same is the case when they are hungry. The efforts are less as the child knows. And there is no better combination of child being hungry and him/her getting to eat what he/she likes.
This simple instance got me thinking about its relevance to the marketing world. The efforts required to sell a product to a customer are more when he/she does not like or feel the need for a particular product. In such case the emphasis is on the push factor than the pull. Trying the various tricks in book to get the customers to buy. Just like the kids not interested in eating here there exists every possibility of the customer trying to resist products and services being thrust on him. Thus making the product prone to go down the drain.
On the contrary, if the product is what the customer wants the pull factor comes into play. If you have quality and service to back that up you can be rest assured of the product/service gaining acceptance. Organizations however in their quest for glory tend to forget this simple truth and try to thrust things on to the customers. They tend to ignore the childlike tendency in the customer (feeling nurtured, cared and valued) by focusing on what they think is right for the customer. This most of the times however is not the case.
It's therefore worthwhile that organizations and marketers started appreciating and feeling like the child who is hungry and about to get what he/she likes. What would come out the stables in such cases would defnitely have high chances of getting the business.
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