Time and Again
It had to happen. So it happened. As goes Murphy's Law, "When things have to go wrong, they will." As was the case with "The Next Thirty Days", my current theme also ran into trouble. This time it was the keypad of my laptop which did me in. However hard I tried (unfortunately all my trying was limited to starting and restarting the system) it just refused to work. So I missed, missed another day. That's what happens when we rely too much on technology. But as I am writing the blog my mind tells me there's another lesson too. Never take things or for that matter people for granted. A very valuable lesson I must say.
For time and again we actually keep on doing the same thing, again and again. Once a relationship establishes itself (it could be between people, people and technology or any other thing) we start taking it for granted. There are a certain things which we assume to be given. Given the fact that a relationship evolves within a set pattern once established makes it all the more plausible. Gradually, we start becoming averse to the fact that a relationship can exist beyond the set patterns whether or not we allow it to. Patterns are nothing but walls we build thinking they will strengthen the relationship without realizing that they in fact limit the relationship to confined boundaries. Boundaries that we are comfortable with. Nothing matters till things work and evolve within these boundaries. But when anything starts going beyond these set walls (it could be the most simplest of things not seen within the set walls) cracks start appearing and things start falling apart. Never ever in my wildest dreams I had assumed that one fine day something may go wrong with the keypad of my laptop. But it could and it did. Same holds true for relationships. Crazy isn't it that thing like this help me realize the importance of not taking relationships for granted. You may be tempted to ask don't we allow know this? Yes, we do. But not all of us realize this. For time and again we have failed to understand that there is thin line between knowing, being aware, realizing and enlightenment.
Another important thing with a machine is that you can get it repaired or even replaced, but there is a cost attached. It may not be significant though. However here is where the human aspect differs (or lies the catch). The stakes are high and chances of the relationship getting repaired may be really bleak, and getting replaced impossible (time and again we have experienced this). Reason enough we should start valuing our relationships. Right?
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