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Showing posts from July, 2011

The Next Thirty Days...Day 12 (Crying)

I cry when I am sad I cry when I am happy  I cry when I fail I cry when I achieve I cry when I make a mistake I cry when I get it right I cry when I remember those who were really special and have left for heavenly abode I cry to break free I cry to vent out my frustrations I cry to de-stress I cried when I was born I cried when I was in love I cried when I found love I cried when I experienced joy I cried when I was blessed with a child The above are just few of many instances when we cry and for a variety of reasons. It's not because we are weak at heart or we like to sob....but then when it comes to really expressing yourself from the bottom of your heart there is not better way then to let your tears roll down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At some point ...I would like to better this for Crying is one such thing which studies have proven to be a liberating experience in 9 times out of it

The Next Thirty Days...Day 11 (Writer's block???)

Actually I wanted to write about crying....but just could get the thought flow going write. It didn't really beyond the first few words. After a few attempts my mind said to me it's writer's block. I said what??? So that goes the title for today's blog.  And my mind pointed out to me that anyone can suffer from writer's block. You didn't have to be a great writer. Rather it has everything to do with a block rather than writing. And everyone happens to carry some sort of block with them. Only differentiating factor being each one experiences it in different context. That's it.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On second thoughts I feel today's blog is not quite there and it leaves a lot to be desired. But frankly...I seem so stuck with the words ...writer's block that I am not able to get over it. At this point mind tell me don't worry....for each one has his own way

The Next Thirty Days...Day 10 (Looking Back)

Looking back .... A way to evaluate yourself A way to be with yourself A way to contemplate A way to reflect A way to find bliss A way to just be A way to nirvana A way to search for meaning A way to see where you were right And where you were wrong Where you could have been better Where you were could have been worse off Where you realized your mistakes Where you learnt to experience Where you experienced grief Where you found happiness Realized the meaning of joy Vow....never quite realized the until now The joy of looking back... And being able to smile at life for the way it has been For Life was, is and will be most precious gift..I ever received So sit back Relax And look back.....on the solitude and bliss of life

The Next Thirty Days...Day 9 (Remember)

Remember Remember what? Whatever you would like too .... What happened? Thinking about what to remember Funny Why, what's funny? For you are the one who always to start with "Remember...." Yes, I do remember that... So why are you thinking....Just remember whatever you would like too....or whatever you can, don't have to think too much about it You mean I can think about my first word? Yes Or my first step Yes Or first day of school Hmmm Or my first love vow... Or the first time I met my wife good.... I think ...I jumped too many Meaning.. I jumped from my first love to my wife...I missed a lot many in between Like The first lecture we bunked Ha...we had almost entered the class and turned back...for movie....God that was some fun And the first time we flunked.... Ooops.....yeah it was much easier than we had thought....right? Right.. And it then equally tough getting back on track.... Hmm...yes...forget that what else What else....le

The Next Thirty Days...Day 8 (The Importance or Worth of Knowledge)

The true worth of knowledge is in being able to apply it when it is required the most. For what worth is all the knowledge you have in the world when it can't answer the simple question life poses to you.  Forget life. You may it's broad. Take the exams that you have given so far. At one point or the other there is that just one particular question which you would be able to answer even in the middle of the night when woken up from sleep but it simple tends to miss you at that instance while answering the question. Gone, you have missed those marks. Yet another example could be of that of an interview. The interviewer asks you a question which one of the most simplest one he could have ever asked given your experience and expertise and you end up make a total mess of it, only to walk out and realize "Oh! my God, how could I not answer that".  Or for that matter when your boss asked you for suggestion...and you could not come up with any or may be you had a suggestion

The Next Thirty Days...Day 7 (The Importance of Emotions)

Well I am not a scientist, psychologist or for that matter a person who has read Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. But one thing for sure I have realized over the years. And that is emotions are important. And as days have passed by my belief in the importance of emotions has gotten stronger and stronger. I don't know how to prove it neither have any research studies available to me with prove that other than a simple reasoning logic. When is that it that something impacts or changes you the most? Don't just rush into the answer but think over it. It's only when something touches your heart or strikes a chord and this is nothing but the  emotions. Emotions that shape your thinking and the way you act. Emotions are sometimes rational / logical and totally irrational / illogical at other times. But when they touched drastically different things happen. These drastically different things could be miracles or doom. The deeper picture behind these two extremes are whate

The Next Thirty Days...Day 6 (Imran's Poetries)

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara ...a good movie but one that leaves a lot to be desired. But I liked the movie the most for just one thing....Imran's Poetries ....I think penned by Javed Akhtar (if I remember correctly that's what the credit's say). There's one line in the movie which says to learn diving you need not know the same vein to savour the taste of these simple yet mesmerizing lines you don't need to watch the movie... So sit back as you read, reflect, contemplate and dwell into the deeper meanings of the poems so beautiful that you are sure fall in love with them. For it cannot escape a true poetry aficionado. Jab jab dard ka baadal chaya Jab ghum ka saya lehraya Jab aansoo palkon tak aya Jab yeh tanha dil ghabraya Humne dil ko yeh samjhaya Dil aakhir tu kyun rota hai Duniya mein yunhi hota hai Yeh jo gehre sannate hain Waqt ne sabko hi baante hain Thoda ghum hai sabka qissa Thodi dhoop hai sabka hissa Aankh teri bekaar hi nam hai

The Next Thirty Days...Day 5 (Keeping A Promise)

Well ....what a way to end your weekend with fulfilling a promise made. It has been quite sometime I have been telling my wife that this weekend we are going for movie for the past four weeks (almost a month...whew). I don't how many wives in this world would tolerate such a long delay. But being the gem of person my wife is she waited for month long. Though she did complain but that was for the sake of it. So here's what happened over the weekend. A really good class for my students. A really good training program for one of my clients and a good movie with my wife to end the weekend. So there is a joy in sharing knowledge with others, providing insights that make a difference and fulfilling a promise made one of the most beautiful ladies of my life.  After all keeping promises is really some good fun. Especially when you have different work hours, different weekly holidays and demanding professions and not forget your responsibilities at home. Then you really feel the joy k

The Next Thirty Days...Day 4 (Missing or Things that we miss)

To be frank and honest I did miss the fourth day yesterday. It was a little late but not too late to write. But that should not be an excuse. If you have to write you have too. And that's what I am going to do today. Write for yesterday as well as today.  Since on the fourth day I missed my target to write for the day I picked up "Missing" for the day. And suddenly my mind was filled with a laundry list of things that we miss in life.  Here we go.... We miss Targets, Friends, Places, Things, Family, Moments, Time, Joy, Jokes, Fun, Togetherness, Solitude, playing pranks, enjoying the rain, enjoying a movie, laughing your heart out...  I could go on and on..... Vow. Great. What? What's so great about missing? Isn't suppose to make you feel bad? No. At least henceforth not. For all of a sudden I realized there are life's so many things that are really worth missing and there are a few things that you should ne

The Next Thirty Days....Day 3 (What we are comfortable with)

I happened to be thinking about yesterday's blog post which is almost very similar to what really changes after death.   As I try to find connect between the two blogs, I realise it's death. The first instance being the death in neighbourhood and the second being of my friends dad who passed away yesterday. That's just happens to be the trigger point. But what I am contemplating is my comfort level with the thoughts that I keep on expressing about the death. Most of the times as and when they occur they are pretty much the same. Though sometimes I try and dwell much deeper into what does death really mean or is it the answer to all our questions. But these sometimes instances are a handful few.  For now the focus is on identical thoughts I keep getting again and again and the inability to go beyond. Frankly I don't think of it as a limiting factor. But these are the thoughts that I am comfortable with. These are thoughts that I can stand up to. Beyond that it

The Next Thirty Days....Day 2 (The Inevitable)

Death. Death is inevitable.  Change. Change is inevitable. Of the few things in life that are truly inevitable are death and change. Both are very closely associated. So much so that one impacts the other and how.  Things change. And they change in a way you are not accustomed too when someone really close to you passes away. Suddenly you have to think of life without this person who made your life or rather was the only reason why life existed for you. Suddenly you are facing life without the very person without whom you have never thought of life. This is change. Change that is inevitable and a inevitable which follows the other...death. (Just as I about to post this blog I realised I had in fact written a earlier post on the same topic,   posting that link as well  )

The Next Thirty Days....Day 1 (Making a good start)

When I wrote those two words "starting tomorrow", I was a bit skeptical about actually starting today. Reason? Don't we all know - "Tomorrow never comes". Fortunately for me, it came. Not quite the way I expected, but it's still welcome. A good way to start.  I remember in school, our Principal late Brother Keane used to always tell us (and especially so at the beginning of each academic year) " A good start is half the work done".  Over the years I have come to realize how true it is.  So a good start is something that will really help to make difference. The difference which I really intend to make by trying something new over the next thirty days.  One question remains though, what am I going to write about? I don't know. That's always been the case whenever I have written, I have just written it. It has always been spontaneous and rarely planned. And that could be one of the reasons why there are small petty little errors that creep

Over The Next 30 Days

Thanks to Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days...I am going to try something new (not really new though for I have already started blogging quite sometime ago).  But what I have not done is blog continuously even more than five days. Less but not more. So starting tomorrow it's going to be one day everyday with a minimum of five lines (I know its not a big deal....but all I wanna do is write for next thirty day). And I am not going to sleep without writing. Just the way Matt Cutts did with writing a novel. So get set and go........ Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days | Video on