When I wrote those two words "starting tomorrow", I was a bit skeptical about actually starting today. Reason? Don't we all know - "Tomorrow never comes". Fortunately for me, it came. Not quite the way I expected, but it's still welcome. A good way to start.
I remember in school, our Principal late Brother Keane used to always tell us (and especially so at the beginning of each academic year) " A good start is half the work done". Over the years I have come to realize how true it is.
So a good start is something that will really help to make difference. The difference which I really intend to make by trying something new over the next thirty days.
One question remains though, what am I going to write about? I don't know. That's always been the case whenever I have written, I have just written it. It has always been spontaneous and rarely planned. And that could be one of the reasons why there are small petty little errors that creep in and why despite the best efforts I can't get myself to edit them out. Why you may ask? Only for the simple reason that I read out those missing words, fill in those gaps or correct the errors in my mind when I am reading it for the second time. The actual piece however remains the same.
That tells me that over the next thirty days when I am taking a shot at trying something new let me work at getting the blog right too. And that really would mean making a good start.
With that I will end for today with hope and belief with each day it will get better and better.
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