I cry when I am sad
I cry when I am happy
I cry when I fail
I cry when I achieve
I cry when I make a mistake
I cry when I get it right
I cry when I remember those who were really special and have left for heavenly abode
I cry to break free
I cry to vent out my frustrations
I cry to de-stress
I cried when I was born
I cried when I was in love
I cried when I found love
I cried when I experienced joy
I cried when I was blessed with a child
The above are just few of many instances when we cry and for a variety of reasons. It's not because we are weak at heart or we like to sob....but then when it comes to really expressing yourself from the bottom of your heart there is not better way then to let your tears roll down.
At some point ...I would like to better this for Crying is one such thing which studies have proven to be a liberating experience in 9 times out of 10....so it definitely needs to be expressed in much better when then what I have written above...and what better way could be other than to write something so special that touches an instant chord with heart that makes way for tears...only then will it be just for such a beautiful expression...till such time I will keep trying
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