When was the last time you said thank you to some one? Who was it? Well unfortunately I am in no way going to know your answers until and unless you leave a comment. But it's an interesting question to ask. There are times and instances when we want to say thank you, but don't and later feel we should have. The problem with such instances is that we feel awkward, embarrassed, shy or we are so overwhelmed by incident that we just cant. Boom!! that moment has gone. The impact those two simple words which would have made could have been magical is lost. Lost forever.
That's just one part of the story though. The other is that of a big fat ego which we all have. This ego tell us he / she had to do it. So what's the big deal. And that's a really big problem. Why? Because there are far too many people who never really do what they are supposed to do and even if they do it more as favour or there is no other choice that is available. There's no heart that is ever involved. There is no passion that is visible. And this makes it all the more important as to why we should say those two simple words that have an ability to create magic.
Life provides ample opportunities in its all walks for us to say thank you. The problem however lies with the fact that little do we realize these. Let's see a few examples...
How many of us thank our parents, if not daily at least once in while?
How many times do we really thank our friends?
How many times have we taken the trouble to visit the school where we learnt, and thanked those teachers who laid our life's foundation?
If married, how many times have we thanked our husband or wife for doing the daily chores? or the children for that matter?
These are just pointers and indicative questions. We need explore more on our own and find opportunities to express a heartfelt thank you.
Before I close for the day....I would like to share a small anecdote that crossed my mind when I was on the last question. I hope I am able present it in its essence.
Everyday a husband used to complain to his wife how easy her life was. He used to be saddened by the fact the she had nothing really to do compared to efforts and hard work he had to put in. It continued till the time the wife decided she had had enough of it.
One evening the husband returned to find the entrance of the house full of dust. By the time he entered the he found his child crying with spoilt hands and clothes standing next to jar of spilled milk. The kitchen in a total mess, the dinning table unclean. The child's toys spread all over the house. In short it was nothing like anything when he entered the house everyday. He looked around for his wife only to find her in the bedroom sitting quietly and the bedroom still scattered with things when he had left for office.
Recovering from the shock he asked his wife, " What happened?"
She politely replied, "Nothing. I did nothing today."
So always remember it's much easier to say thank you than you think and it makes much more difference and impact than you think.
Thank You.
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