It took almost 150 years (hope the number is correct...kindly confirm) for India to win her freedom from a handful of Britishers (it's too small a country vis-a-vis the size and population of India).....Now honestly consider the Lokpal long will it take to eradicate or for that matter to minimize corruption from the mammoth of population that practices it and equally vehement number that unfortunately has no option but to support it. Now consider the following questions -
Have we become so naive to believe that the Lokpal Bill eradicate and is the only solution for a corruption free India?
What are the chances that the Lokpal Bill will be implemented in its truest spirit? More importantly what happens when the Lokpal Bill fails to deliver?
Given the population, geographic spread and diversity of India do we have a mechanism that can facilitate implementation to grass root level? Do we have so many spotless and incorruptible people who will implement it with focus and commitment towards the nation?
If your answer for the previous question is ....then why can't we have same focus and commitment now? Why do we need a Lokpal Bill for that?
How many of us have really read the Constitution of India?
How many of us do believe the Constitution of India?
It is a great work and lays guidelines for almost everything that touches our lives (yeah...I did bit of reading and was surprised to find explicit and well laid out procedures which if implemented will surely help curb corruption and will pave way for the future India)
That brings me to the question if we can't practice and implement the Constitution of India in committed and focused are we going to implement the Lokpal Bill?
I can go on and on....but that is not the case ...I too have a dream of better India.
I personally feel and it is my humble opinion let us all believe in the Constitution of India which surprisingly if implemented can resolve a lot issues for us.
So once let's get our basics right..let's believe in the Constitution of India that has got us this far and let's demand that it be implemented in its true spirit and essence.
Just a simple example is the CAG report. It was the CAG report that brought out the huge discrepancies in 2G and Commonwealth Games. The CAG did not buckle under pressure. (So there are good people around who continue to do their work. Support them instead.) And how many of us do know that CAG is a body constituted under the Constitution of India.
So give India a fair chance.
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