- Little Things, Julia Carney
Little do we realize the power of small steps and the profound impact they can have. A small drop may not be a potential force in itself, but it adds to the strength of the ocean.
Little do we realize how these unimpressive drops add up to become a potent force. But when they do add up they transform the world around them. Unfortunately, we only see the transformation and not the little steps that went beyond that transformation. The changes are subtle and gradual for one to realize easily.
It took twenty-two years for Manjhi The Mountain Man to pave the way for healthcare facilities to reach his village. Each day for twenty-two years he fought the mountain which denied his wife a chance to live.
Michael Phelps didn't become the force to reckon with overnight. He religiously put in hours of practice every day. Those practice sessions each day made him the most decorated Olympian.
All one needs to do is commit to these little steps. Devote time and effort every day to a particular task, even an hour is good enough, provided it is done persistently for a continuous period of time.
Those dedicated and consistent efforts may seem too small and unattractive, even unbelievable, to yield results. They can be painful and demanding too. Yet, when persevered with one can see mountains scaled, bar raised higher, perspectives changed and lives transformed.
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