Life can get pretty tough if you have not decided on what's next. Because each time you achieve or do something on the go, you have to keep thinking about what's next.
Spontaneity is good to an extent. It can get you to a particular point, but then after you have to be sure about which way are you going to go or what you are going to do next.
There will come a time when you will have to sit down, reflect, and ask some tough questions to yourself. Do some soul searching in your quest to find out what is next.
Because you can't be aimlessly be shooting out in the dark and hoping to hit the target. Knowing where, what, why, and how you are going to aim for the target drastically improves and enhances your chances of hitting the target.
So the next time you think about what's next, think of it as a series of goals and objectives to help you achieve the big picture. Preparation combined with a dash of spontaneity takes what's next to the next level.
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