Every day set aside a few minutes for reflection. Maybe at the start of the day, middle of the day, end of the day. That should not be of concern. But what should definitely matter is setting aside that time slot and religiously following it.
This time may be used to reflect on all that happens within, with and around you. Set all distractions aside. For those few minutes forget the world around and immerse yourself into the world within you. But remember reflection needs practice. It requires us to slow down, to pause and be still. To begin with start with setting aside 3 mins and then slowly and steadily increase it up to 10-15 minutes.
At its simplest, reflection is about careful thought. It is the process of bringing your attention to what’s happening in your life in a mindful and open-minded way.
But the most useful reflection involves the conscious consideration and analysis of beliefs and actions for the purpose of learning. Reflection that compels us to challenge our assumptions and beliefs. Reflection that helps to look within and accept ourselves. Reflection that helps us to consider multiple possiblities and create meaning.
Following are some indicative questions to help you reflect and give you some food for thought
- What is my life’s purpose?
- What am I learning about myself and about what is most important to me during this time?
- What do I stand for?
- What insights and core values do I want to impart to those whom I have the opportunity to influence?
So Reflect. Rejuvenate. Revitalize. Grow and discover a greater connection to yourself.
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