Will I or won't I? That's the question I woke up with today morning. Strange question to wake up with one might think. But there's nothing strange if you went to sleep the previous night with the promise to yourself to take up the 30 days challenge, totally out of the blue. 30 days 30 posts, I said to myself while heading to sleep. The fact that September has 30 days added fuel to the fire.
So I went to sleep, feeling happy that I am going to go for this challenge without batting an eyelid. It must have been some hell of thought for I dozed off happily. My joy, however, was short-lived. Because I woke up to the question - will I or won't I? I had not given any thought to what I am going to write about nor had any notes made to fall back on.
Suddenly, I realized how vulnerable I could be. I felt kind of foolish to have made such a promise to myself. I mean who does that, just say yes (even if it is to yourself) without realizing or thinking about what you are getting into? I for sure don't have any clue about how it is going to go? At this very moment, I am still not sure, if at all I will fulfill the promise I made to myself. But the good thing is I made a start. I made an attempt.
Maybe sometimes it is better to do something different than what you are used to. It's better to take the plunge than to seat ashore and keep wondering will I or won't I. Nobody ever achieved anything without taking a step forward. The ships are meant for the sea and the aircraft for air. It's time to begin the journey and find the answer to very question that I started with.
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