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Showing posts from May, 2011

A Good Human Being...give it a thought

Do you know a really good human being? Well I am one. Sounds strange? Not to me. For me it's one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. Imagine a what a place the world will be where every single human being thinks, believes and acts as a really good human being. What difference it will make. Phenomenal.  And to be good human being one does not need to do anything extraordinary, one has to just be. That's good enough. Find joy in life's little things. Appreciate people ( it gets them going and willing to go the extra mile) . Smile (it increases your face value). Wish (a simple good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night makes a lot of difference or wish someone the joy of his /her life). Thank (it could be a taxi / rickshaw driver or someone who offered you a seat in bus). Help (it could be something as simple as passing a pen/pencil or even a paper clip). Say I Love You (if you are married nothing like it...or why only you better

A welcome decision

Finally the I & B Ministry as decided to act and issued a ultimatum to the obscene deodorant commercials to be taken off the air. It's a welcome decision.  In my earlier blog titled anything and everything...advertisement I had expressed my views on the same. I believe the there are whole lot of others too who feel the same about the obscenity of such ads or commercials. However its unfortunate that The of India feels its unnecessary moral policing. May be The Times has not watched some of these ads and hence their view. Each time I see these commercials on air it makes me feel awkward watching it with my family. They are highly distasteful and portray women who just want to drool over men at the drop of hats. Cleverly enough The Times does not mention these ads. They mention which may still fall into the acceptable category. But what about the one where a woman playing with kids in the family, is all of a sudden drawn by the fragrance of a particular deo ...gets pulled into

Missing Friends

Missing Friends Is what we all do Sometime or the other and always too... Missing Friends Is like missing the magical moments Which life rarely gifts And are best enjoyed and cherished Only with friends Missing Friends In times of joy which they multiply In times of sorrow which they divide Is not what just I and you do Everyone does Missing Friends Is like knowing that there is Someone to count on Someone to rely on Someone who will be there just for you Even without you wanting to Missing Friends Is like missing The foolish little things The intelligent ones And the plain simple things in life too Missing Friends Is like realizing the meaning that they have added to life Is like realizing that you really lived a life worth living And there surely someone who will cry when you die Missing Friends Is what we all do Sometime or the other and always too...

The First Follower

Today morning when I logged on to my blog, I was surprised to notice that someone had actually started following my blogs. And I was even more surprised to find it was Melvin, one of friends and classmates. The sense of euphoria is still to settle down. To add to the joy he has just started following me when I am just a couple of hits away from making it 100 hits to the blog. Today Melvin, my friend has made my day and also years to come in my life. I do cherish our friendship. Now each time I log in I will know I have someone who going to follow the blogs and connect with the thought. I am yet get my words right to describe the feeling. First I never thought that with so many blogs that get started every day (I think its around 50,000 per day) I would have ever come this far. But thanks to my buddy I have. And yes also to the readers who have visited the blog so far. A special thanks to all of you too. Milestones may come and go. The one's that are talked about the most are th

On Death...what really changes

What changes after death? My mind wondered and I immediately said nothing. Nothing? How come?  Well, you continue to dress the way you used to. You continue to eat like you used to. You move around just the like the way you used to. You enjoy your moments of laughter and fun just like you used to. There are so many other things too that really do not change in way after a death. So? It's a perfectly rational answer. The one that is easily visible to eye and logically acceptable to mind. But that's just like the ocean that appears to be calm above and is full of life within. What really changes after the death of your near one is that when continue to dress the way you used to, he / she is not going to be there to appreciate it. When you sit down to eat he / she not is going to be there to persuade to have some more. When you move around he / she is not going accompany you any more. The underlying meaning of things which continue the way they used to be drastically changes. Th

Evolution ...on second thoughts

Well...well, if yesterday's poll results are anything to go by and then I would like to extend my theory of evolution   to politics as well. After being in power for 34 years in West the Left have lost and it lot to do with the governance as evolved over the three decades for better or worse, the people have decided. Believe it is not overnight that the change has happened. The built up, though slow and steady, was evident. But as is the case with evolution, till it turns you upside down or takes you upside down you never really acknowledge it. And now they will all do what they ought to have do, find the missing pieces. Till then wait and watch. And on rather curious and contemplating second thought I strongly believe it applies to all forms and aspects of life.

Evolution.....of a different kind

Well, to begin with I could not have thought of a better title. But don't worry as I am not ad expert (just in case if you read my couple of blogs on advertisements)..I am not a scientist either. But its a strange coincidence that the concept has a lot to do with how a relations evolve (yes...that's the evolution I speaking about) amongst human beings. Gradually and steadily, and by the time you realise the they have reached an altogether different scale.  Just like the way we evolved through the centuries and centuries. The changes that took place that got so much ingrained into the daily way of living that it took centuries to understand how and when. And there a still a lot missing pieces to the puzzle. This more so about the husband and wife relation, which I would like to reflect upon. Every time we (that's me and my wife) have a heated argument (we do have our share of temp fights..just .like the chain that is strong as its weakest link... the argument is a heated on

On Giving...What's wrong with it or how it can be made better

Vinod Khosla (a prominent Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists) pledges half his fortune to charity ...ran the news. A few days back it was Shiv Nadar of HCL, a few more days (or rather months) back it was Azim Premji and even before that it was Narayanmurthy. And long time before they all thought about pledging a part of their life long earnings there was Warren Buffet. Then along came Bill Gates. Great. I am happy that the list is increasing. For likes of these businessmen and others alike life definitely has come a full circle and how. The philanthropy efforts of these individual do require a special mention. For it is very difficult to part with your own hard earned money and that to towards a cause which might have little or no direct relation to you. But I have got some reservations. No, not about the intentions of these people. Though at times there are questions that have raised about the real intentions of these people by various bodies. I not going to speak about that either.

Mother's Day

To write or not to write that is the question. For...what and how do I write? Write about one of the most important persons of my life or rather the reason why I came into being. Funny, isn't it?...How many times in your life have you sat down to write good things about your mother and did succeed to go beyond the first few lines. Personally, I don't think there will be many. No...not because you don't love your mother or there is hardly anything to write about her but for the sheer reason that there is so much so about her that you rarely do realize where to begin and how to concise the ocean full of warmth and love that she pours into our life. And yet, rarely do we realize the profound impact a mother has on our lives day in and day out. It's so subtle and sublime that we at times fail to fathom the depths of what comes to us through her. So today it's not just my mother that I dedicate this piece of blog to, but every mother in the world who in one way or

Anything & Everything .....Advertisements..2

It's official now (yeah you can take my word for it...after all its anything and everything) that Airtel runs the most pathetic ad campaigns. Examples? Ever scene that Kareena Kapoor Ad for Airtel HD? What sense does it make? Dish TV runs a better Ad ..but that's not what I am going to write about.  One worst ads to catch my fancy is the Airtel 3G Bangkok ad....I am still trying to figure what one is to comprehend (in simple words understand) out of the ad. You won't believe it I have seen it quite a number of times (thanks to IPL) to register what the ad is all about.  No script (father, mother and son - a perfect ploy gone haywire), no punchlines that connect well to the tagline (well they actually do have a catchy tagline....dil jo bhi chaye...pass laye) but one look at the ad you won't even like to watch it again, forget it getting closer to your heart. After all the bashing let me say something good too....for I am not expert, just a common man writing to exp

What Love Really Means...

A part of my life  Will always love you  Wherever I am, however I am  For its with you that I realized  What love really means  For till then, I had known The word love  Just as a mere word I was supposed to be in  Things changed and how  When you stepped in  For its then  When I explored the unfathomed depths and  Scaled new heights of experiencing the true meaning and  essence of the word love  And everything beyond its mere existence  AC©


Its only words and words are what I have sang the Bee Gees and I in no way wish to differ It's only word and words are what I have to take your heart away If are at all or ever you read this blog what you will read will be nothing other than words words that just kept on coming to my mind as I went on blogging All throughout my life I have loved words and the day I realized the value of words I realized the value of life Words inspire, words consipre, words make, words break, words build, words destroy, words give meaning and words take away the meanings too One can go on and on forever I remember someone telling me once words have more power than the steam Watson created to run the steam engine Its through words I expressed my self Its through words I strengthened my relations Its through words I learnt Its through words I communicated It's through words I moved ahead in life Today I just take this day to thank God for wonderful gift of words and one thing for s

For HR Class

Congratulations!   Sarfaraz has already wished that (being CR is sort of advantage you see Ask Sarfaraz and he will tell you a different story) And so must have the others who met you when the results were declared   Unfortunately, I was not amongst the others who wished you So I begin with congratulating all of you Congratulations again   Don’t worry this is not a mail about congratulations, but what it definitely is, is a mail of celebration    A celebration of two years of successful journey, a celebration of two years of companionship, two years of friendship, two years of sharing, two years of learning, two years of knowledge, two years of overcoming pain and all the possible hurdles, two years of sacrifice, two years of preparations…&hel lip;……&hel lip;… in fact every single moment what life could have yearned for   As I look back at those two years, I suddenly realize one more year down the line and everything will be gone……&hel lip;……&hel lip;……   I know the m

New Mail....

Hi Ganesh, Thanks for your mail True it’s been quite some time since my last mail And I could see this mail coming but was getting lost with words Fortunately for me all those lovely email exchanges about attendances, submissions (no offence meant or else I fear there will another string of emails exchanged and this time unfortunately I will be a party to it ……oh my God! Industrial Relations) there was hardly anything left for me to write about Those exchanges made me realize we have people in our class who write well, really well Probably that’s the reason I lost my words Anyway there other reasons as well why I did not write Through some reliable sources (its confidential you know) I learnt half the class enjoys my mail and half the class doesn’t Another half does not even bother to read Another half thinks I am drunk when I write Yeah……&hel lip; I know too many halves but who said mathematics is simple I am right now working on a statistical model for optimizing the r

One hour of aimless wandering.........

Just how long is an hour? If you were to ask me I would say it's long, really long If you don't believe me, just try one hour of aimless wandering The other day I just did that, skipped church and kept wandering. Not the one to do so, am still wondering why I did what I did. The prayer service at the church normally takes an hour and so the moment I decided to skip it, I had an hour at my disposal and so began my hour of aimless wandering. Five minutes into it and I didn't quite know what to do with the time I had on hand. All of a sudden the clock seemed to just drag. Every now and then I would keep looking at it only to realise it had added just another minute It was then that I realised that I always had, have, and will have time in abundance but never quite realized it. It's then I went back to the beautiful poem on Value of Time which I am reproducing here and I am sure we all will realize at some point or other the "Value of Time" before its too late,

On Travel By Train...Soulful Singers

As the 7.34 p.m. local leaves Churchgate station for Virar, I dug myself into my copy of the day’s Economic Times. However because of an exhaustive day at work I keep the paper aside and enjoy the breeze that’s flowing in through the window and of course as is the practice take little nap. Soon I wake up to enjoy a beautiful voice singing the soulful melody “Main Shayar Badnam” from Namak Haram.  It’s been sung by Shabbirbhai, a bearded man who appears to be in his late forties. He has for company a perfect mix of Indian diversity the local trains represent. He then followed it with other golden oldies like “Suhani Chandani Ratein” and “Akele hain chale aao” among the few he rendered. It’s was such soothing feeling to relax to the tune of such gems, which rarely come by these days. Whilst enjoying I tried hard remembering few recent songs that would match this timeless class. Unfortunately not many come to my mind. I am marvelled by the simplicity of the words, their meaning and poetr

On birthday

A birthday comes once every year, And lasts throughout the year, Perhaps, that's the most special thing, And a reason w hy it's awaited so long every year

Dangers of Walking....especially if you are a woman

One more chain snatching incident. It looks like its becoming difficult for women to move around from one place to another without the danger of being soft target for snatching chain. I remember one of aunt's friend who lost her confidence to travel alone after being a victim and soon moved to he native place, though she was born and brought up in Mumbai, a place where she thought she could move around safely.  I won' be surprised if the yesterday's victim feels insecure too. But nothing much can be done against the perpetrators of these crime for the only reason by the time the victim recovers from the shock ...they have fled away on their pillions. It's very difficult for a woman to identify them later.  If you feel that the targets are women who flaunt their jewellery you are wrong. Even a simple "mangalsootra" is not spared. And given its religious and cultural significance in India a married woman would never ever be without it. Moving around without an