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Evolution.....of a different kind

Well, to begin with I could not have thought of a better title. But don't worry as I am not ad expert (just in case if you read my couple of blogs on advertisements)..I am not a scientist either. But its a strange coincidence that the concept has a lot to do with how a relations evolve (yes...that's the evolution I speaking about) amongst human beings. Gradually and steadily, and by the time you realise the they have reached an altogether different scale.  Just like the way we evolved through the centuries and centuries. The changes that took place that got so much ingrained into the daily way of living that it took centuries to understand how and when. And there a still a lot missing pieces to the puzzle.

This more so about the husband and wife relation, which I would like to reflect upon. Every time we (that's me and my wife) have a heated argument (we do have our share of temp fights..just .like the chain that is strong as its weakest link... the argument is a heated one till it lasts....then it evaporates into the thin air), I end up evaluating how our relationship  has evolved over the years that we have known each other. Yes. Before marriage and post marriage. It's much of husband and wife now. No, its not intentional. It just happened and is ingrained so much into our daily lives that we hardly ever noticed when the husband and wife crept in. Fortunately for us the husband and wife mentality is still in those very few instances and the fact that we see each other's viewpoint of at the end of the fight has really helped. We always acknowledge that.  And move on together for better.

But its not just about us. It about all of us. All of us who are married. In pursuit of bigger things we really miss out on the small, inconspicuous changes that slowly and steadily creep in to our lives, just like the evolution, so much so that when we wake up to reality ..shattered. Never quite realizing when the relations evolved to such a stage. And just like scientists trying to understand the when and how of evolution and aiming to find the missing pieces does the human mind too thereafter. The only difference being this time its not the husband and wife but two genuine hearts in search of each other.

I remember reading Vapu Kale a prominent Marathi writer, who shared an interesting observation in one of his weekly columns in leading Marathi daily. He shared that the "husBANd" was really more of the "BAN" that drove out the essence of marriage and not more of the "US" which he was supposed to be. Likewise for the "wIFe" who really more of "IF" which took all the soul of the marriage and not more of "WE". Both US and WE imply togetherness, communion the evolution which marriage is suppose to achieve.


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